Welcome to our 116th Toronto Ravel Study!
TORONTO RAVEL STUDY meets in-person at The Tranzac Club
292 Brunswick Avenue, Toronto
This Month’s Special Presentation/Discussion
True story; A composer is asked to write a score for a silent film (Buster Keaton) which is to be performed live at a screening of the film.The creative possibilites are wide open, other than this; the score must be Klezmer music.
That’s right, Klezmer music…
The composer, not normally a screen composer, is not equipped with the usual tools; no DAW, no computer-based scoring program, other than for notation, no samples or virtual instruments….. Just a small ensemble of 3 excellent jazz musicians. Where to begin?
The day arrives, and at the tech rehearsal, hours before the performance, it is discovered that the video is now playing back at a different frame-rate, resulting in an 8-minute discrepancy in the length of the film. With no click track, just a rough hand-written score and parts, the show must go on….
From this actual experience came the idea for our discussion about PROCESS – what to do before writing any music that is to accompany picture, and where/how to begin. Four composers will present their personal workflows and approaches, and will share the scores they have created as a way to stimulate a wider discussion.
This is sure to be a rich conversation, and should be of interest to all of us, not just the screen composers.
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE A GUEST STUDY LEADER, please contact John info@torontoravel.com.
LISTEN TO PAST STUDIES @ https://soundcloud.com/toronto-ravel-podcast
NEW ADVENTURES IN LISTENING – Film clips from “On The Waterfront” and “Ryan” are posted on the “Study Materials” page for download. With the sound removed, they can be scored as an exercise, and brough in to “Adventures in Listening” for feedback and analysis. Adventures in Listening is a unique opportunity to get unbiased and honest feedback on your ‘in-progress’ or experimental work from a community of your professional peers. Because it is anonymous, it is a risk-free environment. Whether you are an emerging composer or an experienced one, and whether your work is for concert or screen, I encourage you to take advantage of this invaluable resource.