
Links to podcasts of past study sessions (beginning Fall, 2014) – courtesy of Tony Kosinec.

Podcasts of previous Ravel study sessions can be found at Due to space limitations, only the prior 6 sessions will be available. For recordings of older sessions, contact


October 24, 2013 – inaugural meeting. Study: overview of Ravel Study philosophy, Suite I, b. 1-7. Guest: Ron Jones, composer, “Family Guy”

Oct24-13October 24, 2013 inaugural Ravel Study at C’est What?

November 21, 2013 – Study:  “Daphnis and Chloë, Suite I, Reh. 72 – 75 . Guest: Michael McGowan, director/filmmaker.

photoJohn with guest Michael McGowan. Gotta love that T-shirt….

January 13, 2014 – Study:  “Daphnis and Chloë, Suite I, Reh. 75 – 78 . Guest: John Welsman, composer.

WelsmanComposer John Welsman presenting “Vanishing Point” at our first Hugh’s Room meeting

February 18, 2014 – Study:  “Daphnis and Chloë, Suite I, Reh. 78 – 82 . Guest: Larry Weinstein, producer/director.

L. Weinstein
Director and filmmaker Larry Weinstein, Rhombus Media, February 18, 2014

March 18, 2014 – Study:  “Daphnis and Chloë, Suite I, Interlude . Guest: Mark Korven, composer.

Mar-14 MKorven
Composer Mark Korven (sans sorello), March 18, 2014
(why does that Herberman keep wearing the same t-shirt?)

April 15, 2014 – Study:  “Daphnis and Chloë, Suite I, Reh. 92 – 94 . Guests: Asher Ettinger, composer, Dr. Lee Bartel, researcher,
Ron Jones, composer.

April 15, 2014 – our “Music and The Brain” panel;
Asher Ettinger and Dr. Lee Bartel with John Herberman
Podcasts of the study and guest panel can be had by emailing
John at

May 20, 2014 – Study:  “Daphnis and Chloë, Suite I, Reh. 94 – 97 . Guests: Jennifer Baichwal, filmmaker, Roland Schlimme, editor/composer

photoFor a complete list of films produced by Mercury Films, go to www.
For information specifically about “Watermark” go to


September 16, 2014
 – Study:  “Star Wars Suite”, Main Title, b. 1 – 10 (no guest – extended study)

Old friends and colleagues reunited at Toronto Ravel
(Todd Booth, Asher Ettinger, JH, Yuri Sazonoff, Tony Kosinec)

November 4, 2014 – Study:  “Star Wars Suite”, Main Title, b. 25 – 46 Guest; Steve Munro, sound editor

John with guest sound editor Steve Munro. Still wearing the same t-shirt – hope it’s been washed…

December 2, 2014 – Study:  “Star Wars Suite”, Main Title, b. 48 – 68 Guest; Richie Mehta, filmmaker

R. Mehta
John with guest Richie Mehta….oops… Forgot to wear my T-shirt!

February 3, 2015 – Study:  “Star Wars Suite”, Main Title, b. 98 – 130 Guest; Christina Pochmursky, filmmaker,
John Welsman, composer
“This Is Your Brain on Music”, Daniel Levitan – a great read if you haven’t done so!

June 2, 2015 – Study:  “Star Wars Suite”, “Yoda’s Theme”  Guest; Lou Natale, composer
L Natale tooJohn with guest and friend Lou Natale, composer and Ravel “tape-op”

February 2, 2016 – Study:  “Appalachian Spring”, b. 80->
Guests; Darren Fung, composer, Niobe Thompson, director.  Scoring “The great Human Oddysey”
DarrenF and Niobe TYours truly, with Niobe Thompson (left) and Darren Fung. T-shirt
still passing the sniff test….

March 1, 2016 – Study:  “Appalachian Spring”, b. 98->
Guest; Neil Parfitt, composer, and “The Matrix” scoring team

…and all the folks in attendance at our 25th Ravel

September 20, 2016 – Study:  “Appalachian Spring”, b. 217->
Guests; Anne Lindsay and David Woodhead; Trad music influences in Appalachian Spring.